B. inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama I. Change the word in the bracket into correct Simple Present Tense!    (Rubahlah kata yang ada di dalam kurung kedalam bentuk Simple      Present Tense dengan benar!)
1. The teacher (teach) ......................................... the students everyday.
2. Mr. Wahyu go ................................................ to the office.
3. The dancer (dance) ......................................... in the hall. 4. Water (flow) ................................................... from the higher to the lower.
5. My mother (not go) ......................................... to the market.
6. Ramza, Razan and Rajni (study) ...................... together.
7. Doctor (check) ............................................... the patients twice a day.
8. The post man (come) ...................................... to my school.
9. My little sister (not cry) ................................... in the night.
10. The boys (play) ............................................ football in the afternoon.​

I. Change the word in the bracket into correct Simple Present Tense!    (Rubahlah kata yang ada di dalam kurung kedalam bentuk Simple      Present Tense dengan benar!)
1. The teacher (teach) ......................................... the students everyday.
2. Mr. Wahyu go ................................................ to the office.
3. The dancer (dance) ......................................... in the hall. 4. Water (flow) ................................................... from the higher to the lower.
5. My mother (not go) ......................................... to the market.
6. Ramza, Razan and Rajni (study) ...................... together.
7. Doctor (check) ............................................... the patients twice a day.
8. The post man (come) ...................................... to my school.
9. My little sister (not cry) ................................... in the night.
10. The boys (play) ............................................ football in the afternoon.​


Simple Present Tense

1. The teacher teaches the students everyday

2. Mr. Robinson goes to the office

3. The dancer dances in the hall

4. Dodi, Dino, and Dani swim together

5. Water flows from the higher

6. My mother does not go to the marketing

7. Doctor checks the patient twice a day

8. The postman comes to my school

9. My little sister does not cry in the night

10. The boys play football in the afternoon



Simple present tense digunakan untuk menyatakan fakta /kebenaran umum (general truth), kebiasaan (habitual action), atau kejadian yang terjadi pada saat ini (present). Simple present tense paling sering digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris karena digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan sehari-hari.


Verbal sentences: kalimat yang predikatnya adalah kata kerja

(+) Subject + Verb1 s/es

(-) Subject + do/does + not + Verb1

(?) Do/does + Subject + Verb1?

Nominal sentence: kalimat yang predikatnya adalah bukan kata kerja

(+) Subject + to be (is/am/are) + Object/Complement

(-) Subject + to be (is/am/are) + Object/Complement

(?) To be (is/am/are) +Subject + Object/Complement?

Keterangan Waktu Simple Pesent Tense:

always = selalu

every = tiap

often = sering

usually = biasanya

seldom = jarang

rarely = jarang- jarang

generally = pada umumnya

frequently = seringkali

sometimes = kadang-kadang

ever = pernah

never = tak pernah

Cara menambahkan akhiran s atau es pada kata kerja:

Akhiran -es ditambahkan pada kata kerja (verb) yang berhuruf akhir -ch (catches), -s (kisses), -sh (brushes), -x (fixes), -z (whizzes)

Akhiran -es juga ditambahkan pada kata kerja (veb) yang berhuruf akhir -y yang didahului oleh huruf mati dan akan berubah menjadi -i jika mendapat tambahan akhiran -es tersebut. contoh: study=studies, carry=carries, try=tries.

Sedangkan bila -y didahului oleh huruf hidup, maka kerja itu hanya akan mendapat akhiran -s. contoh :pay-pays, say=says

Akhiran -es juga ditambahkan khusus bagi kata kerja do dan go. contoh: do=does, go=goes
